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Shaider's thought in Christmas Day

Wrote this one in 2010 or 2011 and posted it on my FB account, thought of putting it here now, the bug did not bite me this time of year :(

Christmas trees, Santa and fancy lights the hustle and bustle from day till night this is the time of the year once more where people get merry just like before

Children are happy and promptly reply when asked about the reason why we Christians celebrate this special day Santa will come and bring us gifts they say

All the festivities and all the charades they do make you happy, all these things made yet one man who's life he gave is well forgotten though your sins he paid

yes my friends it is time once more and I think this time we must settle the score put things in perspective, give credit where it is due and put Jesus back in me and you

Yes Christmas is Jesus day and not Santa nor reindeer's dare I say so keep a light burning in your life and greet the Lord Jesus with all your might

Happy Birthday Lord Jesus Christ

Your humble servant,


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Geo Catchillar Wong
Geo Catchillar Wong
Dec 01, 2019

Cute baby Santa

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