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Only I

Yes I closed my eyes and started to see what reality really is, yet after all these years, and amidst all those tears shed from both laughter and sadness, still no one understand, why I chose to call my self the 3 Red Diamond Ram.........

No genius needed here, frustration is a stench so intense there's no hiding away from, yes i admit it, yes I am even admitting that I failed, hell yeah at countless times, and almost or at the verge of giving up......... But alas no!!!! The shitty stubborn man who loves to lie still clings on and yes will cling on until the day he dies.................. Yes I failed to make you understand, make you feel, believe and see.......... But my love endures and still keep all the blame towards me........

Primitive animalistic instinct may be hardwired on my brain and enduring all these hardship and pain would have been enough for me to unleash the inner beast yet I chose not......

YES!!! I chose not to give up...... Yes I am still hoping, longing, praying and waiting for you to see....... But NO that's not the reason....... Yet I am still alone but I set all of you free..............

Jai Guru Deva Om


Friends will come and go

this is what I know

for I was born alone

in this lonely world

gloomy things is yet to come

and I alone will face the sun

cause no one is here for me

and that will always be


For only I will face the end

Only I, I have no friend

Only I, I live alone

Only I will travel the unknown

No one is here for me

I'm alone but I ain't free

I am one and I have none

just look at what I've become

I am sick deep inside

I have this feeling that I can't hide

but I'm alone, alone I cry

I'll cry alone until the day I die

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